19th- and 20th-century Italian marionettes  



Don Rodrigo 

belonging to the Genoese marionettist  G.Pavèro 

(second half 19th century)

Lidia the bride 

belonging to the Genoese marionettist  G. Pavèro 

(second half 19th century)

Primo Sifredo 

belonging to theGenoese 

 marionettist G.Pavèro 

(second half 19th century) 


from the Neapolitan family 

of Di Giovanni 

(second half 19th century)






by Luciano Zane 

(second half 19th century)


 Santoro company 

(first half 20th century ?)

Lady in black, 

Genoese marionette unknown   

(early 20th century)

Moor, modular 

from the Neapolitan family 

of Di Giovanni 

(second half 20th century)






for  The Discovery of America, 

formerly in the  

Pallavicini collection

(first half 20th century)

Cristoforo Colombo and his son 

in The Discovery of America, 

formerly in the  Pallavicini collection

(first half 20th century)


for The Discovery of America, 

formerly in the Pallavicini collection

(first half 20th century)

Soldiers for 

The Discovery of America, 

formerly in the Pallavicini collection 

(first half 20th century)



Winged dragon,, 

non-identified marionette  

(20th century)

Ball and string juggler

by Concordia 

(first half 20th century)


from Guido Fumi  colletion (?) Sampierdarena 

(first half 20th century)

Carabiniere in full uniform, 

formerly in Ugo Ponti collection

(second half 19th century)

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